Eastern Pantheism is a theological system that places oneself as a portion of the whole of the One.  This is not an ideology that embraces reason or tries to understand the knowledge in a form of exegetical thinking. The goal here is to abandon all reason and obtain a voided mental state of mind. This is done to become more connected to the One. Eastern Pantheism has two areas of ultimate reality: Atman and Brahman. Atman is the self or the essence of self, and Brahman is the one or the fullness of all in which the essence is a part of. The ultimate reality is that some things are more one than the others and reality exists as a hierarchy of appearance. This hierarchy holds up the human as the form of existence that is closest to the One, with objects such as paperclips being furthest away. Since reasoning is abandoned in this system, one can never really know anything. To understand the realness of anything you must pass beyond that object which you are trying to understand.

Thinking without reasoning poses a real problem for the Pantheist, because Brahman is all and impersonal, and can never be obtained fully. This being the case, one has to reason as to how to get closer to Brahman. Even people that are seeking to obtain emptiness have to use reason to choose which route to take to achieve their goal. The only way it is possible to know anything is to pass beyond that which you are trying to gain. This being the case, they can have no true knowledge of right and wrong and therefore use the Karma system of morality and ethics. The Karma system is a “reap what you sow” method of thinking in which the person only does good to others in order to benefit themselves. One never dies in the true sense of the word because the soul is Atman, the essence of Brahman, which cannot die. Question: How can one try to obtain that which they cannot reason the path necessary to reach?