It seems that in our day and time there is an organization for just about any cause you can think of out there. Whether it is ending world hunger, digging wells in third world countries or raising awareness about some injustice someplace there is an organization for anything you may be concerned about. What has made these organizations more and more prevalent is the fact that we are living in a world that is becoming more and more connected on a daily, if not hourly, basis. The Internet allows organizations to be able to set up their own website, post videos and host blogs about whatever it is that they are passionate about.

Occasionally one or more of these organizations will gain a following and, before you know it, your friends and co-workers are inundating you with data in an attempt to educate you about their new favorite cause. I’m not saying that there are not social injustices and crimes against humanity that need to be addressed, but sometimes these causes border on the ridiculous. I guess my biggest pet peeve is when people reduce the cause of Christ into the next big fad that goes viral on the Internet. God never intended for Christianity to be a passing fad or the next “here today and gone tomorrow” cause. Christianity was never intended to be a part of your life; it was always intended to be your whole life.

Last week we started a study of the book of Romans in the teen class. We are in no hurry to get through the book, and so we are taking our time in looking at Paul’s introduction of this letter. This past Sunday we talked about the faith of those early Christians that Paul was writing to. I’d like to share a portion of the passage we were looking at.


Romans 1:8-10 (NIV)

8 First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. 9 God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you 10 in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God’s will the way may be opened for me to come to you.


In modern-day terms, the faith of these early Christians was going viral. If the Internet had been around, I can say without a doubt that reports of the early Church would have been as prolific as the reports of the popular fads of today are. The difference is that these people were not supporting a passing cause because they thought it was the in-style thing to do; rather, they were literally putting their lives on the line to live out their faith and bring glory to God in Heaven.

If you want to be open about your faith and use social media and other means to express it to those around you, then I compliment you and I would never do anything to hinder that. If you are simply expressing faith because it is the in-style thing to do, then I would encourage you to reconsider your actions. I challenge you not to make your faith a bandwagon but a lifeboat that sees you through this life and insures you a home in Heaven for eternity.

Be Strong and Courageous,